The Only One Read online

Page 10

  “I think it may be closed, Rhett.”

  “It is. But not for us,” he stated confidently.

  There was a man waiting at the gate, who allowed us to walk through to the platforms. There was nobody else other than a few guys who obviously worked the famous tourist attraction.

  We stepped into one of the glass capsules where a bottle of champagne and flutes were waiting for us. I looked up at Rhett, who grinned, releasing me to pour us each a glass.

  He handed me a champagne flute as the massive wheel started to move us up into the dark night. He grabbed my hand, pulling me to the far end of the capsule that looked over the Thames. I observed the city as we got higher in the sky. The view was breathtaking. Seeing the city lit up at night made it more enchanting than it already was in the day.

  The wheel stopped, stranding us at the highest point of view. We both stood silently, staring out over London. Rhett put his glass down, returning to wrap his arms around me and rest his chin on my shoulder as we both admired the city.

  “Worth it?” Rhett asked, breaking our silence.

  “Yes,” I breathed, not removing my gaze from the twinkling lights of the city. “I can see why it’s your favorite thing. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  “Anytime, beautiful.” He squeezed me tighter to his chest. I relaxed in his arms, feeling content and somehow more in love with the man than I already was. He had a way of making me fall deeper and deeper to depths I didn’t even know existed.


  The rush of water hitting the shower floor woke me. I stretched my tired limbs before rolling up to a sitting position on the bed. I picked up my cell phone from the bedside table. I had a few missed calls and texts from my mom, Lizzie and Owen. Shit. Owen.

  I hadn’t even thought about him since our lunch date. I scrolled through the text messages first. Lizzie was curious how things were going with Rhett and me. My mom was asking to Skype today, explaining Nana wanted to know what the hell Skype was and the only way my mom could make her understand was if we did it. Owen wanted to know about dinner Friday night.

  I responded to Lizzie that things were going well and I would try to call her later. I told my mom “sure.” It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t even told her I was in London. Or that Rhett and I were here together.

  My fingers hovered over the phone, trying to decide what to say to Owen. I couldn’t just tell him that things weren’t going any further through text. It didn’t seem right. I at least needed to call him and explain. I sent him a quick text saying I was out of town the next couple of weeks on business, and I would call on my return. I hoped that would buy me some time. Before I could contemplate it any further, Rhett’s naked body distracted me as he strode brazenly across the room with a boldfaced grin.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he crooned, slipping on some gray boxer briefs. Damn. “I figured you would be out longer. I was going to take care of a few work things while you slept.”

  I set my phone back down and stood from the bed as he walked towards me, taking me in his arms. His forehead rested on mine as his eyes penetrated me. “Don’t let me keep you from work. I was just thinking about going for a run in Hyde Park.”

  He pulled back, watching me carefully. “I would prefer you wait. I’ll go with you.”

  “Rhett, I want to go now. Besides, you have work to do. What else am I going to do in the meantime? I’ll be fine on my own.”

  I watched his face distort into different emotions as he contemplated whatever it was in his sexy head until, finally, his face dropped with defeat followed by a stern expression. I wish I knew what ran through that brilliant mind of his.

  “I won’t be long. Be back in an hour. We’ll head to Camden afterwards.” His tone was exacting.

  I nodded my agreement, knowing I would be back when I was back. But I wasn’t going to argue with him. Better to ask forgiveness later. He pressed his soft lips firmly into my forehead before releasing me.

  He pulled on some jeans over his boxers. I about died. Rhett with no shirt, in jeans that hugged his firm ass, would have any woman killing over with desperation. I didn’t bother disguising my lust as I ogled his ass.

  It wasn’t until he pretended to clear his throat that my concentration on his toned curves that flexed beneath his jeans was broken. “Huh?” I asked staring blankly up at him. He said something, right?

  He stalked towards me like a conniving cat about to pounce a tiny, unknowing mouse. “I didn’t say anything,” he gave me his sly grin, “But that look on your face has me thinking maybe you should skip the run.” He leaned in. His body inches from mine. His lips grazing my cheek as they traced a path to my ear before releasing that alluring, whispering voice on me. “If you stay, I promise to have you panting and sweating.”

  My body fizzled. My brain malfunctioned. My face turned into his instinctively, wanting those addictive lips on mine. Without warning, my hands flew to his hair, pulling him to me as my mouth attacked his. His hands immediately went to my body as he scooped me up into his arms, moving us back to the bed.

  He moved swiftly, removing the t-shirt I had slept in, stripping me bare. I hastily worked at the zipper of the jeans that started it all. His lips worked their way down my collar bone, taking my breast into his mouth while his hand massaged the other one in a slow rhythm. I tried pushing the waist band of his jeans down his hips when the ringing of his phone halted my progress.

  “Shit,” he clipped, pausing momentarily from his manipulation of my body.

  “Leave it,” I panted, lifting my hips to him. My body begging him not to stop.

  The phone rang a couple more times before ringing off. Rhett went back to obliterating me with ecstasy. His lips moved further south, coasting over my belly. His phone rang again. He stopped. Damn it! Breathing heavy, he dropped his forehead on my stomach, rotating it slowly from side to side with disappointment.

  I felt his warm breath across my navel. Both of us struggled to breathe as he fought the urge of our bodies. “Babe.” His one word oozed desperation and regret. I wanted to scream. “I have to get that,” he continued, his forehead still resting on me.

  His phone rang off again. I slid my fingers through his hair, loosely gripping to pull his head up to look at me. “It’s fine,” I smiled half-heartedly. I lied. It wasn’t.

  He groaned, moving back up my body, stopping when his face met mine. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I know you will,” I said cheekily.

  He devoured my lips one more time before reluctantly moving from the bed. He zipped his pants, his bulge ever present, and grabbed his phone, moving into the living room suite to return the call. I buried my face in the pillow, screaming my sexual frustration. It didn’t help.

  I dragged my deprived, hormone-raged body from the bed and pulled on my running clothes and shoes. I freshened up in the bathroom before picking up my phone and headphones for my morning run in Hyde Park.

  I walked into the living area, where I found Rhett at the desk with his laptop as he talked to whomever was on the other end of the phone. I didn’t know who it was. But I unreasonably hated them for the mere fact that they robbed me of my orgasm.

  His back was to me. I listened to his commanding voice as he talked. Watching and listening to him, I wanted to climb on his jean cladded lap and run my hands up his strong bare chest, just to torture him the way I was feeling tortured right then.

  I fought my compulsion and instead dropped a kiss on the back of his head to let him know I was leaving. I turned to walk away when his hand gripped my wrist, stopping me. “Hold on,” he demanded to the person on the phone. He buried the phone in his chest, looking up at me. “Be careful, beautiful.”

  “Always,” I leaned in to give him a soft peck on his lips. I smiled reassuringly, He nodded, releasing his hold before placing the phone back to his ear.

  “Proceed.” I heard him command the person on the phone as I left the suite.

y feet pounded the pavement as my body pushed forward, relieving the pent up energy from earlier. It wasn’t as exhilarating as an orgasm from Rhett, but running still had a way of putting my body into a euphoric state. I fell into pace like I was on autopilot, listening to my playlist, focused on the path ahead, only occasionally glancing around me to enjoy the beauty that was Hyde Park on a cool, summer morning.

  I ran along the Serpentine after doing the half lap around the park. I already ran three miles. My heart rate elevated, beating powerfully in my chest. I kept my breathing at a steady rhythm, picking up my pace as Starlight by Muse started to play. The beat of the music motivated me to push harder.

  I completed the loop around the Serpentine, collapsing in the damp, cold grass. I lay on my back, looking up at the sky, letting my rapid breathing slow. My chest felt heavy as it expanded and contracted. I felt energized and spent at the same time. I knew I needed to stretch, but I couldn’t move. I had ran close to five miles. I lay there for a while longer, feeling dizzy as my heart beat calmed. Peeling my back off the ground into a sitting position, I watched other runners as they passed by.

  As I sat people watching, an uneasiness came over me. The hairs on my nape stood. My heart rate started to pick up, despite my resting state. I looked around me, feeling eyes on me. I didn’t recognize anyone – not that I would in London – and there was nobody even remotely close to me other than the joggers that ran past.

  My phone vibrated with a new text, snapping me out of my sudden insecurity.

  R: Where are you?

  It looked like my hour was up.

  A: On my way back now.

  I walked into our suite and Rhett was where I had left him over an hour ago. Still at his laptop. Still on his phone. The only difference was now he wore a gray t-shirt. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that he cut my recovery time short when he wasn’t even done working.

  He twisted as he heard me enter, his eyes locking on me as he listened to the phone. I didn’t bother greeting him. I headed straight to the shower, ignoring his glare that followed me as I walked.

  The warm spray poured over me, relaxing my muscles as I washed and conditioned my hair. I squeezed some soap onto a loofah and started to wash my body when I felt the tingling of nerve endings course through me. I sensed his presence before I saw him move into the bathroom from my peripheral.

  I wondered if he planned on joining me. He didn’t. He leaned against the bathroom counter, his arms and ankles crossed, smoldering as he glared at me through the glass shower walls. I knew he was angry about me defying him, once again.

  I didn’t care. In fact, I was hell bent on driving him crazy mad. If he wanted to watch, I would give him a show. I ditched the loofah, favoring my hands. I worked a lather of soap between them before placing them on me. I dragged them slowly and seductively down my body, taking my time and moaning my over exaggerated pleasure as I massaged.

  “Shit.” I heard the gruff voice under his breath. I bit my lip holding in a laugh. I saw him shift to adjust himself. His body told me he was affected, even if he held his face impassive.

  I rinsed the soap from my body, taking my time before shutting off the water. I opened the shower door, lifting my towel from the hook, pretending he wasn’t there. I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my body before training my eyes on his.

  I moved to leave the bathroom. Before I could exit, he was on me, scooping me up into his arms and over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I squealed. He slapped my ass, playfully.

  “You’re driving me crazy, woman,” he said as he took determined strides to the bed. He tossed me onto the pillowy mattress as I laughed, filled with giddy suspense. “I told you one hour.” His voice was stern, but his face was fighting back a grin.

  “I lost track of time,” I said unapologetically.

  “You’re going to cause me to lose my shit. I worry about your safety.”

  “Rhett, I’m fine. I was fine. And I’ll be fine. Stop worrying so much,” I said despite the fact I had my own moment of paranoia in the park. It was probably just him getting in my head.

  He had always been possessive and concerned about my well-being, but it seemed like the Rhett from three years ago was more paranoid than before. I had no idea where this was coming from. At some point, we would need to have a conversation about it. I appreciated his concern, but at the same time, I was used to my independence. I required it. I didn’t want to bring it up right now, though. Everything was too fresh, and we were just getting back on track, making up for lost time.

  He stared into my eyes, as I brought my palm to his cheek, trying to reassure him. He turned his head, kissing the palm of my hand, before turning to drop his lips to mine. His hands moved diligently, removing me of my towel and him of his clothes. This time….there were no interruptions.

  We spent the rest of the day perusing Camden Market after arriving by the tube. I had to twist Rhett’s arm, once again, to take public transportation. I told him I would never forgive him if he didn’t allow me to experience the tube and “mind the gap.” It wasn’t true. I would forgive him, and he likely knew that. But he didn’t want to disappoint me. I think he enjoyed it less than the bus, but he humored me none the less. He held me tight to him the whole ride, guarding me from anyone that dared to get too close.

  We ate some lunch and had a few pints of beer before we strolled the stalls of Camden Market. Rhett followed closely behind me. I browsed while he patrolled. We came across a booth with various accessories and a few London souvenirs. I sorted through some keychains when I came across a round, buttoned shape key chain that had a night shot of the London Eye. I smiled inwardly, picking up the key chain.

  I faced Rhett, who was eyeing some cheap, knock-off watches suspiciously. His eyes turned to me as I gleamed at him, holding up the keychain in his view.

  “I found what I want you to buy me.”

  “A keychain?” he asked with incredulity.

  “Yes,” I sighed, exasperated. “A keychain. It’s what I want.” I swung my hips to one side, resting my hands on them, daring him to argue with me.

  He shook his head in amusement. “If that’s what you really want.” I could hear the doubt in his words.

  “It is.”

  He put his hand out to me, silently asking for the keychain. I placed it in his hand. He held it up, studying it as if he were inspecting a rare diamond. A slow smile spread across his face as he lowered it. He turned to the grungy man working the booth and gave him money the cash to purchase it. He handed the keychain back to me, and I slipped it in my purse. I linked my hand in his arm, leading us out of the open air stalls.

  “I think I’m done shopping for the day.”

  “As you wish. Should I call for the limo to pick us up?” he asked cautiously.

  I laughed, shaking my head at him in disbelief at his persistence. He had been such a good sport, I didn’t have the heart to deny him.



  “Yes, babe. Call your precious limo. I may even let you satisfy your fetish for being such a trooper on the tube,” I winked at him. He chuckled before planting a kiss on my head and pulling out his phone to call the limo driver.

  “Ava? Honey, are you there? I don’t think it’s working.”

  “Yes, Mom. I’m here, but I can’t see you,” I giggled, looking at the ceiling of my home in Litchfield live on my laptop screen. “You need to adjust the webcam, so I can see your face and not the ceiling.”

  “Oh! One second….Here we go.” Her smiling face appeared moments later with Nana looking over her shoulder. My heart filled with happiness, seeing the two of them.

  “Hi, Mom! Hi, Nana!” I waved at them as I grinned. Nana’s face lit up.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. Look, Sarah! It’s Ava.” Nana’s face was full of amazement and delight.

  “Yes, Mom…I know. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Mom’s annoyance with Nana evident.

is she on here? Is this a recording?” Nana’s face inspected the screen. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “No, it’s live. In real time.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “Well, talk to her. Ask her a question.”

  “What is two plus two?” Nana asked seriously.

  “Really, Nana?” I asked through my laughter as Mom rolled her eyes. “Four,” I answered her trivial question.

  “It’s really you, Ava?”

  “Yes,” I said, the laughter now causing my stomach to ache. “I’m here on a live feed. Almost, like I’m there.”

  “Ava,” Mom moved her face closer to the screen, while squinting her eyes. “Where are you? That doesn’t look like your apartment in the background and it looks dark outside.”

  “Oh,” I said, looking behind me at the hotel suite. “Well, I didn’t get a chance to tell you. It all happened rather quickly…” I stalled, trying to think about how much I wanted to tell them right now.

  “What did, honey?”

  “Well, I’m on a business trip. It was last minute. They sent me to London. Well, Italy really-”

  “London!” my mom screamed excitedly, cutting me off before I could finish.

  “That’s wonderful, Ava,” Nana chimed in.

  “Yes, well…”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

  “Like I said, it was kind of a last minute trip.”

  “Wait… Ava, there’s a man in your room!” Mom’s eyes widened as her face turned from excited shock to fearful shock. I turned around, seeing Rhett’s back as he moved across the room, hanging up his phone call. Shit.

  “Right. Umm…,” I hesitated, trying to find the words to explain everything.

  “Are you okay? Who’s that man?”

  I turned back to Rhett, giving him my death glare for walking across the room in my webcam’s view. He didn’t seem concerned. He just set his phone down and started walking towards me. I tried shooing him away, but it was too late.